Ferdinand Xhaferaj, PhD

Ferdinand Xhaferaj, PhD

[email protected]

Employement Type : Part-time
Office :
Office Tel No. : 0
Gender : Male


Defense Academy PhD - Doctorate
Year Completed : 2006
Faculty :
Department : Strategy Department
Program :
Country : Albania
Naval Postgraduate School MA - Master
Year Completed : 2002
Faculty : National Security Affairs
Department :
Program : International Security
Country : United States
Naval Postgraduate School MA - Master
Year Completed : 2002
Faculty : National Security Affairs
Department :
Program : National Security
Country : United States
Tirana State Univesity BA - Bachelor
Year Completed : 1988
Faculty : Engineering
Department : Technology
Program :
Country : Albania


Parliamentary Oversight of the Security Sector 2008
Type : Guest Speaker
Topic : Parliamentary Oversight of the Security Sector
Year : 2008
Instution : Centre for Security Cooperation
Country : Croatia
Providing Vision and Leadership in a Time of Global Crisis 2007
Type : International Leadership Conference
Topic : Providing Vision and Leadership in a Time of Global Crisis
Year : 2007
Instution : University Peace Federation
Country : Korea (South)
Qualified on Budget Administration Policies 2000
Type : Budget Policy
Topic : Qualified on Budget Administration Policies
Year : 2000
Instution : American Institute for Economic Analysis
Country : United States
Qualified in the USA on International Relations 2000
Type : International Relations
Topic : Qualified in the USA on International Relations
Year : 2000
Instution : Department of State
Country : United States
Qualified at the Harvard University on Policies that Guarantee the Economic Development 1999
Type : Leadership
Topic : Qualified at the Harvard University on Policies that Guarantee the Economic Development
Year : 1999
Instution : Harvard University
Country : United States


English -
Language : English
Is Native Language? : No
Level : -
Role Type : Academic
Position : Lecturer
Unit : Department of Law
Period : Oct 2022 - Jun 2024
Status : Completed
Role Type : Academic
Position : Lecturer
Unit : Department of Law
Period : Oct 2021 - Jul 2022
Status : Completed
Role Type : Academic
Position : Lecturer
Unit : Department of Law
Period : Oct 2014 - Aug 2021
Status : Completed
Role Type : Administrative
Position : Vice Dean
Unit : Faculty of Humanities
Period : Feb 2018 - Feb 2020
Status : Completed
Role Type : Academic
Position : Lecturer
Unit : Department of Law
Period : Oct 2013 - Oct 2014
Status : Completed
Ferdinand Xhaferaj, "Aneksimi i Krimesë dhe Lufta e Freskët" (BalkanWeb 2014)
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Ferdinand Xhaferaj, "Deballkanizimi i Ballkanit" (Tiranë, Dudaj 2007)
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Ferdinand Xhaferaj, "Harmonia Fetare Ndër Shqiptarët si Vlerë në Proceset e Integrimit Evropian" (Prizmi 2010)
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Ferdinand Xhaferaj, "Domosdoshmeria e Dialogut Nderfetar dhe Nderkulturor per Stabilitetin ne Ballkan" (Kumtesë e mbajtur në simpoziumin "Domosdoshmëria e Dialogut Ndërfetar e Ndërkulturor për Paqen Botërore", Maj 2007)
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Ferdinand Xhaferaj, "The role of inter-religious dialog for the stability in western Balkans" (paper presented in Suleyman Sah University, Turkey 2012)
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Ferdinand Xhaferaj, "Turqisë i duhet kthimi tek demokracia"
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